Python Interface¶

The OpenIMU Python driver supports communication with the hardware for data logging and device configuration over the main user UART interface of the OpenIMU hardware. When run in server mode, it allows connection of the OpenIMU with the developer’s website Aceinna Navigation Studio and its friendly GUI interface.

The Python driver attempts to automatically find a connected OpenIMU hardware by scanning available ports at various baud rates. Once a connection is established, this connection is recorded in a file named connection.json. On the next use of the driver, the driver will first attempt communication on this port speeding up connection time.

The Python driver reads a JSON file by default named openimu.json to understand the messages - both primary output packets, as well as command/response type packets from the IMU. These can be customized by changing the JSON file and the Python script will use that information to parse data (literally the byte stream) from the OpenIMU in real-time appropriately.

Here are a few samples function you can call with the driver.

# Create a device and connect to it
imu = OpenIMU()

# Get all parameters by issuing 'gA' command

# Update a parameter by issuing 'uP' command
# See openimu.json for the parameter numbers
# This example changes output packet rate to 100Hz

# Save parameter changes by issuing 'sC' command

# Log data for 1Hr
# Data is logged into data directory with time of day string as default filename

# Update units firmware
# bin file is stored in .pioenvs directory and created after compilation
# the file most be moved to where the Python driver can find it

You can also run the python code as a CLI interface to the unit. The CLI is defined in If you have installed the python driver with pip install, then navigate to a directory that contains a valid openimu.json for your unit, and you can type:

Connected ....OpenIMU300ZI - 0.0.1      SN:1808629112
help : CLI help menu
exit : exit CLI
run : Operations defined by users
save : Save the configuration into EEPROM
connect : Find OpenIMU device
upgrade : Upgrade firmware
record : Record output data of OpenIMU on local machine
stop : stop recording outputs on local machine
server_start : start server thread and must use exit command to quit
get : Read the current configuration and output data
set : Write parameters to OpenIMU


As you develop code and customize your OpenIMU, you should also update openimu.json to keep it in sync with your changes. This way both the Python driver and developers website, ANS, will function properly and understand your units special programmed characteristics. The openimu.json file updates the Python driver functions as well as the ANS website UI.