AHRS/VG Dynamic Attitude App

The Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) and Vertical Gyro (VG) application supports all of the features and operating modes of the IMU APP, and it links in additional internal software, running on the processor, for the computation of dynamic roll, pitch. In addition to the Roll,Pitch and IMU data, the dynamic heading measurement is optionally stabilized using the 3-axis magnetometer as a magnetic north reference. Roll, Pitch measurements are often referred to as “VG” or Vertical Gyro measurements. When heading stabilized by a magnetometer is added, the solution is often referred to as an “AHRS” or Attitude Heading Reference System. Hence the name of tis APP is AHRS/VG APP.

At a fixed 200Hz rate, the VG/AHRS APP continuously maintains the digital IMU data as well as the dynamic roll, pitch, and heading. As shown in diagram after the Sensor Calibration Block, the IMU data is passed to the Integration to Orientation block. The Integration to Orientation block integrates body frame sensed angular rate to orientation at a fixed 200 times per second within all of the OpenIMU Series products.

As also shown in the software block diagram, the Integration to Orientation block receives drift corrections from the Extended Kalman Filter or Drift Correction Module. In general, rate sensors and accelerometers suffer from bias drift, misalignment errors, acceleration errors (g-sensitivity), nonlinearity (square terms), and scale factor errors. The largest error in the orientation propagation is associated with the rate sensor bias terms. The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) module provides an on-the-fly calibration for drift errors, including the rate sensor bias, by providing corrections to the Integration to Orientation block and a characterization of the gyro bias state. In the AHRS/VG APP, the internally computed gravity reference vector and the distortion corrected magnetic field vector provide an attitude reference measurement for the EKF when the unit is in quasi-static motion to correct roll, pitch, and heading angle drift and to estimate the X, Y and Z gyro rate bias. The AHRS/VG APP adaptively tunes the EKF feedback gains in order to best balance the bias estimation and attitude correction with distortion free performance during dynamics when the object is accelerating either linearly (speed changes) or centripetally (false gravity forces from turns). Because centripetal and other dynamic accelerations are often associated with yaw rate, the AHRS/VG APP maintains a low-passed filtered yaw rate signal and compares it to the turnSwitch threshold field (user adjustable). When the user platform exceeds the turnSwitch threshold yaw rate, the AHRS/VG APP lowers the feedback gains from the accelerometers to allow the attitude estimate to coast through the dynamic situation with primary reliance on angular rate sensors. This situation is indicated by the softwareStatus - turnSwitch status flag. Using the turn switch maintains better attitude accuracy during short-term dynamic situations, but care must be taken to ensure that the duty cycle of the turn switch generally stays below 10% during the vehicle mission. A high turn switch duty cycle does not allow the system to apply enough rate sensor bias correction and could allow the attitude estimate to become unstable.

The AHRS/VG APP algorithm also has two major phases of operation. The first phase of operation is the attitude initialization phase. During the initialization phase, the OpenIMU unit is expected to be stationary or quasi-static to rapidly estimate the X, Y, and Z rate sensor bias, and the initial attitude. The initialization phase lasts approximately 2 seconds. After the initialization phase, the EKF algorithm in the AHRS/VP APP dynamically tunes the feedback (also referred to as EKF gain) from the accelerometers and magnetometers to continuously estimate and correct for roll, pitch, and heading (yaw) errors, as well as to estimate X, Y, and Z rate sensor bias.

The Definitions of The Output Packets of The VG/AHRS App

“a1” packet

The default VG/AHRS app output packet type is “a1”, and it is defined in the following two tables.

(‘a1’ = 0x6131)        
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination
0x5555 0x6131 47   <CRC (U2)>


Byte Offset Name Format Notes
System Timer of
sensors sampling
LSB First
Above timer converted
to a double type
LSB First
12 Roll F4
LSB First
16 Pitch F4
LSB First
20 corrected X gyro F4
LSB First
24 corrected Y gyro F4
LSB First
28 corrected Z gyro F4
LSB First
32 X Accel F4
LSB First
36 Y Accel F4
LSB First
40 Z Accel F4
LSB First
44 Operation mode [1] U1 LSB First
45 Linear accel switch [2] U1 LSB First
46 Turn switch [3] U1 LSB First

“a2” packet

If you want to output the yaw angle, you can choose the “a2” packet. For the VG app, the yaw angle is from integrating the gyro rate, and for the AHRS app, the yaw angle gets corrected by magnetometer measurements.

(‘a2’ = 0x6132)        
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination
0x5555 0x6132 48   <CRC (U2)>


Byte Offset Name Format Notes
System Timer of
sensors sampling
LSB First
Above timer converted
to a double type
LSB First
12 Roll F4
LSB First
16 Pitch F4
LSB First
20 Yaw F4
LSB First
24 corrected X gyro F4
LSB First
28 corrected Y gyro F4
LSB First
32 corrected Z gyro F4
LSB First
36 X Accel F4
LSB First
40 Y Accel F4
LSB First
44 Z Accel F4
LSB First

“e1” packet

If you further want to output the magnetometer measurements, you can choose the “e1” packet.

(‘e1’ = 0x6531)        
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination
0x5555 0x6531 75   <CRC (U2)>


Byte Offset Name Format Notes
System Timer of
sensors sampling
LSB First
Above timer converted
to a double type
LSB First
12 Roll F4
LSB First
16 Pitch F4
LSB First
20 Yaw F4
LSB First
24 X Accel F4
LSB First
28 Y Accel F4
LSB First
32 Z Accel F4
LSB First
36 X gyro F4
LSB First
40 Y gyro F4
LSB First
44 Z gyro F4
LSB First
48 X gyro bias F4
LSB First
52 Y gyro bias F4
LSB First
56 Z gyro bias F4
LSB First
60 X magnetometer F4
LSB First
64 Y magnetometer F4
LSB First
68 Z magnetometer F4
LSB First
72 Operation mode [1] U1 LSB First
73 Linear accel switch [2] U1 LSB First
74 Turn switch [3] U1 LSB First
[1](1, 2) Operation mode of the algorithm. 0 for waiting for the system to stabilize, 1 for initialzing attiude, 2 and 3 for VG/AHRS mode, and 4 for INS mode. Please refer to the source code for details.
[2](1, 2) 0 if linear acceleration is detected, 1 if no linear acceleration. Please refer to the source code for details.
[3](1, 2) Indicate if the filtered yaw rate exceeds the turn switch threshold. 1 yes, 0 no. Please refer to the source code for details.


In AHRS mode for proper operation of the stabilized heading measurement, the AHRS/VG APP uses information from the internal 3-axis digital magnetometer. The AHRS APP must be installed correctly and calibrated for hard-iron and soft iron effects to avoid any system performance degradation. See section XXX for information and tips regarding installation and calibration and why magnetic calibration is necessary. Please review this section of the manual before proceeding to using the heading data