OpenIMU300ZI Eval Board & Coordinate Frame

OpenIMU300ZI Eval Board and Fixture


The OpenIMU300ZI Eval Board is attached to a fixture for easy handling and isolation of the back side of the board from any contact. The EVB interfaces to the main connector of the OpenIMU300EZ as well as the OpenIMU330 evaluation module. The EVB and IMU module are mounted together to a precision fixture to assist in testing. The OpenIMU300EVB uses an FTDI 4-port Serial-to-USB converter to allow you to communicate with between the OpenIMU serial ports and a laptop computer. There are also jumper connections to use to connect to the device’s primary SPI port. Use the JTAG interface to directly download compiled code to the device quickly.

OpenIMU300ZI Eval Module Default Coordinate System

The OpenIMU default coordinate systems is shown below. In the reference IMU apps, a configuration setting is provided to control the coordinate system. These configurable elements are known as Configuration Parameters.
