OpenIMU UART Messaging Framework¶
1. General Settings
The serial port settings are: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. Standard baud rates supported are: 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400 and 460800.
Common definitions include:
A word is defined to be 2 bytes or 16 bits.
All communications to and from the unit are packets that start with a single word alternating bit preamble 0x5555. This is the ASCII string “UU”.
All communication packets end with a single word CRC (2 bytes). CRCs are calculated on all packet bytes excluding the preamble and CRC itself. Input packets with incorrect CRCs will be ignored.
All multiple byte values except CRC and packet code are transmitted in Little Endian format (Least Significant Byte First).
Each complete communication packet must be transmitted to the OpenIMU300xx inertial system within a 4 second period.
2. Number Formats
Number Format Conventions include:
0x as a prefix to hexadecimal values
single quotes (‘’) to delimit ASCII characters
no prefix or delimiters to specify decimal values.
- All multiple byte number format are transmitted in little-endian format. E.g., Bytes are transmitted LSB first, followed by lesser significant bytes.
- Bytes in strings are transmitted in left to right string byte order.
The table below defines variable formats:
ID Type Size (bytes) Range U1 Unsigned Char 1 0 to 255 U2 Unsigned Short 2 0 to 65535 U4 Unsigned Int 4 0 to 2^32-1 U8 Unsigned long long 8 0 to 2^64-1 F Float IEEE-754 4 1.18^-38 to 3.4^38 D Double IEEE-754 8 2.23^-308 to 1.80^308 I1 Signed Char 1 -128 to +127 I2 Signed Short 2 -32768 to 32767 I4 Signed Int 4 -2^31 to 2^31-1 I8 Signed long long 8 -2^63 to 2^63-1 ST String N ASCII
3. Packet Structure
Below provided description of OpenIMU framework messages. Messages described the way they occur in serial line. Open IMU framework takes care of wrapping up user payload and calculating CRC.
3.1 Generic Packet Format
All of the Input and Output packets, except the Ping command, conform to the following structure:
0x5555 <2-bytepacket code(U2)> <payloadbyte-length(U1)> <variablelengthpayload> <2-byteCRC (U2)>3.2 Packet Header
The packet header is always the bit pattern 0x5555.
3.3 Packet Code
The packet code is always two bytes long in unsigned short integer format. Most input and output packet types for convenience can be interpreted as a pair of ASCII characters. For example code “aB” will translate to hex value 0x6142”.
- First character value should be more or equal ‘a’ (0x61)
- Packet code transmitted in Big Endian format
3.4 Payload Length
The payload length is always a one byte unsigned character with a range of 0-255. The payload length byte is the length (in bytes) of the <variable length payload> portion of the packet ONLY, and does not include the CRC.
3.5 Payload
The payload is of variable length based on the packet type.
3.6 16-bit CRC-CCITT
Packets end with a 16-bit CRC-CCITT calculated on the entire packet excluding the 0x5555 header and the CRC field itself. A discussion of the 16-bit CRC-CCITT and sample code for implementing the computation of the CRC is included at the end of this document. This 16-bit CRC standard is maintained by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The highlights are:
Width = 16 bits
Polynomial 0x1021
Initial value = 0x1D0F
No XOR performed on the final value.
See Appendix A for sample code that implements the 16-bit CRC algorithm.
3.6 NAK Packet
NAK packet sent in response to the unknown or corrupted input message. NAK packet has next format:
0x5555 0x0000 2 code ofreceivedpacket or 0 <2-byteCRC (U2)>
4. Messaging Overview
Table below summarizes the messages initially introduced in OpenIMU300xx framework. New messages can be easily added (please check chapter “Procedure for adding new message”) Packet codes are assigned mostly using the ASCII mnemonics defined above and are indicated in the summary table below and in the detailed sections for each command. The payload byte-length is often related to other data elements in the packet as defined in the table below. The referenced variables are defined in the detailed sections following. Output messages are sent from the OpenIMU Series inertial system to the user system as a result of user request or a continuous packet output setting. Interactive messages can be sent from the user system to the OpenIMU Series inertial system and will result in an associated Reply Message or NAK message. Note that reply messages typically have the same <2-byte packet type (U2)> as the input message that evoked it but with a different payload.
ASCII | Code
Function | Type |
pG | 0x7047 | 0 | Ping
uC | 0x7543 | N (up to 248) | Update
uP | 0x7550 | 12 | Update
uA | 0x7541 | N (up to 240) | Update
sC | 0x7343 | 0 | Save
rD | 0x7244 | 0 | Restore
sC | 0x7343 | 0 | Save
gC | 0x6743 | 8 | Get
gP | 0x6750 | 4 | Get
gA | 0x6741 | 0 | Get
All Params
gV | 0x6756 | N | Get
zT | 0x7a54 | 4 | Counter
z1 | 0x7a31 | 40 | Scaled
5. OpenIMU Interactive Messages
5.1 User Ping Command
Ping (‘pG’ = 0x7047) Preamble Packet Code Length Termination 0x5555 0x7047 0 <CRC (U2)> The user Ping command has no payload. Sending the Ping command will cause the unit to send a Ping response with next format:
Ping (‘pG’ = 0x7047) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7047 N Unit Model and SerialNumber <S> (string)<CRC (U2)> The user Ping response will return null-terminated string, containing unit model name and unit serial number.
5.2 Update Config Command
(‘uC’ = 0x7543) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7543 8+8*N N Parameters <CRC (U2)> The Update Config command used to update and apply N consecutive user-defined configuration parameters at a time in unit. Parameter value is 64 bit (8 bytes) and can have arbitrary type.
Update Config Payload Format
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 Number of consecutiveparameters to updateU4 LSB First 4 Offset of first parameter inunit config structureU4 LSB First 8 Parameter Value U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First : : : : 8+N*8 Parameter Value U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First Upon reception – each parameter is validated (if desired) and if validation passes parameter gets written into gUserConfiguration structure and also applied to the system on-the-fly(if desired). If value of one parameter is invalid – all parameters ignored. Updated configuration parameters will be active until next unit power cycle or reset.
Update Config command will have next response:
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7543 4 Error Code (I4) <CRC (U2)> Error code can be: (0) – “Success”, (-3) – “Invalid Payload Size”, (-1) – “Invalid parameter number”, (-2) – “Invalid parameter value”
5.3 Update Parameter Command
(‘uP’ = 0x7550) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7550 12 <CRC (U2)> The Update Parameter command used to update and apply single user-defined configuration parameter in unit. Parameter value is 64 bit (8 bytes) and can have arbitrary type.
Update Parameter Payload Format
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 Offset ofparameterin unit configstructureU4 LSB First 8 Parameter Value U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First Upon reception parameter value is validated (if desired) and if validation passes parameter gets written into gUserConfiguration structure and also applied to the system on-the-fly(if desired). If value of the parameter is invalid – it ignored. Updated configuration parameter will be active until next unit power cycle or reset.
Update Parameter command will have next response:
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7550 4 Error Code (I4) <CRC (U2)> Error code can be: (0) – “Success”, (-3) – “Invalid Payload Size”, (-1) – “Invalid parameter number”, (-2) – “Invalid parameter value”
5.4 Update All Command
(‘uA’ = 0x7541) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7541 8N N (up to 30) parameters <CRC (U2)> The Update All command used to update/apply up to 30 consecutive user-defined configuration parameters at a time in unit, starting from first parameter in user configuration structure. Each parameter has size 8 bytes (64 bit) and can have arbitrary type.
Update All Payload Format
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 Parameter Value (first parameter) U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First … … … … … … … … . . N*8 Parameter Value (last parameter) U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First Upon reception – each parameter is validated (if desired) and if validation passes parameter gets written into gUserConfiguration structure, starting from first parameter (offset 0) and also applied to the system on-the-fly(if desired). If value of one parameter is invalid – all parameters ignored. First two parameters are ignored. Updated configuration parameters will be active until next unit power cycle or reset.
Update All command will have next response:
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7541 4 Error Code (I4) <CRC (U2)> Error code can be: (0) – “Success”, (-3) – “Invalid Payload Size”, (-1) – “Invalid parameter number”, (-2) – “Invalid parameter value”
5.5 Save Config Command
Save Config (‘sc’ = 0x7343) Preamble Packet Code Length Termination 0x5555 0x7343 0 <CRC (U2)> The Save Config command has no payload. Upon reception of “Save Config” command unit will save current gUnitConfiguration structure into EEPROM and updated parameters will be applied to the unit all the times upon startup (untill new changes will be made).
Save Config command will have next response in in case of success:
Preamble Packet Code Length Termination 0x5555 0x7343 0 <CRC (U2)> Note
Save configuration command from serial port works on OpenIMU300ZI. It is not supported by OpenIMU300RI, but one can make permanent changes just by rebuilding the FW with desired default settings.
5.5 Restore Defaults**
Restore defaults (‘rd’ = 0x7244) Preamble Packet Code Length Termination 0x5555 0x7244 0 <CRC (U2)> The Restore defaults command has no payload. Upon reception of “Restore Defaults” command unit will save default configuration structure gDefaultUserConfig into EEPROM and updated parameters will be applied to the unit all the times upon startup (untill new changes will be made).
Restore Defaults command will have next response in case of success:
Preamble Packet Code Length Termination 0x5555 0x7244 0 <CRC (U2)> 5.6 Get Config Command
(‘gC’ = 0x6743) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x6743 8 <CRC (U2)> The Get Config command used to retrieve N consecutive user-defined configuration parameters at a time from unit. Parameter value is 64 bit (8 bytes) and can have arbitrary type.
Get Config Payload Format
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 NumberOfconsecutiveparametersto updateU4 LSB First 4 Offset offirstparameterin unit configstructureU4 LSB First Get Config command will have next response:
(‘gC’ = 0x6743) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x6743 8+8*N N parameters <CRC (U2)> Get Config Response Payload Format in case of success:
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 NumberOfconsecutiveparametersto updateU4 LSB First 4 Offset offirstparameterin unit configstructureU4 LSB First 8 Parameter Value U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First : : : : 8+N*8 Parameter Value U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First Get Config Response Payload Format in case of error:
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x6743 4 Error Code (I4) <CRC (U2)> Error code can be: (0) – “Success”, (-3) – “Invalid Payload Size”, (-1) – “Invalid parameter number”, (-2) – “Invalid parameter value”
5.7 Get All Command
(‘gA’ = 0x6741) Preamble Packet Type Length Termination 0x5555 0x6741 0 <CRC (U2)> The Get All command used to retrieve N (up to 30) consecutive user-defined configuration parameters at a time from unit, starting from first parameter in gUserConfiguration structure. Parameter value is 64 bit (8 bytes) and can have arbitrary type.
Get All command will have next response:
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x6741 8*N N parameters <CRC (U2)> Get Config Response Payload Format in case of success:
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 NumberOfconsecutiveparametersto updateU4 LSB First 4 Offset offirstparameterin unit configstructureU4 LSB First 8 Parameter Value U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First : : : : 8+N*8 Parameter Value U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First Get All Response Payload Format in case of error:
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x6741 4 Error Code (I4) <CRC (U2)> Error code can be: (0) – “Success”, (-3) – “Invalid Payload Size”, (-1) – “Invalid parameter number”, (-2) – “Invalid parameter value”
5.8 Get Parameter Command
(‘gP’ = 0x6750) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x6750 4 <CRC (U2)> The Get Parameter command used to retrieve one user-defined configuration parameter from unit gUserConfiguration structure. Parameter value is 64 bit (8 bytes) and can have arbitrary type.
Get Parameter command payload format
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 Offset ofparameterin unit configstructureU4 LSB First Get Parameter command will have next response:
(‘gP’ = 0x6750) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x6750 12 parameter <CRC (U2)> Get Parameter response rayload format in case of success:
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 Offset ofparameterin unit configstructureU4 LSB First 4 Parameter Value U8 or I8 or F8 ordouble or S8 or A8LSB First Get Parameter response payload format in case of error:
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x6750 4 Error Code (I4) <CRC (U2)> Error code can be: (0) – “Success”, (-3) – “Invalid Payload Size”, (-1) – “Invalid parameter number”, (-2) – “Invalid parameter value”
5.9 Get User Version Command
(‘gV’ = 0x6756) Preamble Packet Code Length Termination 0x5555 0x6756 0 <CRC (U2)> The Get Version command has no payload. Sending the Get Version command will cause the unit to send a response with next format:
Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x6756 N User Version String<CRC (U2)> The Get Version response will return null-terminated string, user version. User version string defined in the UserMessaging.c file.
6. OpenIMU Output messages
Below provided examples of OpenIMU output messages implemented in OpenImu framework. Users can easily add new messages or discard these examples at their discretion. Output messages are to be continuously sent out by unit with preconfigured message rate.
6.1 User Test Message
User Test output message has next format:
(‘zT’ = 0x7a54) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7a54 4 <CRC (U2)> User Test Message payload has next format:
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 Counter U4 LSB First Counter is simple message counter which will increase by 1 with in every consecutive Test message
“6.2 User Sensors Data Message*
User Sensors Data message has next format:
(‘z1’ = 0x7a31) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7a31 40 <CRC (U2)> User Sensors Data Message payload has next format:
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 System Timer atthe moment ofsensors samplingU4 LSB First 4 Accelerationvalue for axis X(in G)F4 LSB First 8 Accelerationvalue for axis Y(in G)F4 LSB First 12 Accelerationvalue for axis Z(in G)F4 LSB First 16 Rotation speedfor axis X (dps)F4 LSB First 20 Rotation speedfor axis Y (dps)F4 LSB First 24 Rotation speedfor axis Z (dps)F4 LSB First 28 Magnetic fieldfor axis X (G)F4 LSB First 32 Magnetic fieldfor axis Y (G)F4 LSB First 36 Magnetic fieldfor axis Z (G)F4 LSB First 6.3 User Arbitrary Data Message
User Arbitrary Data message has next format:
(‘z2’ = 0x7a32) Preamble Packet Type Length Payload Termination 0x5555 0x7a32 27 <CRC (U2)> User Arbitrary Data Message payload has next format:
Byte Offset Name Format Notes 0 System Timer atthe moment ofsensors samplingU4 LSB First 4 Data of type Byte U1 5 Data of type short I2 LSB First 7 Data of type int I4 LSB First 11 Data of type int64 I8 LSB First 19 Data of type double D4 LSB First 6.4 Raw & Scaled Data Message
Factory Raw Data Packet M (Output Packet) & Scaled Sensor Packet M (Output Packet) has the next format, which is defined in the doc
7 Steps to create your own interactive or output packet in embedded OpenIMU software framework
User packet processing engine located in the file UserMessaging.c.
7.1 To create new interactive packet
- Add new input packet type into the enumerator structure UserInPacketType in the file UserMessaging.h before USR_IN_MAX
typedef enum { USR_IN_NONE = 0 , USR_IN_PING , USR_IN_UPDATE_CONFIG , USR_IN_UPDATE_PARAM , USR_IN_UPDATE_ALL , USR_IN_SAVE_CONFIG , USR_IN_RESTORE_DEFAULTS , USR_IN_GET_CONFIG , USR_IN_GET_PARAM , USR_IN_GET_ALL , USR_IN_GET_VERSION , // add new packet type here, before USR_IN_MAX USR_IN_MAX , }UserInPacketType;2. Add new packet type and code into the structure UserInputPackets in the file UserMessaging.c. Packet code consists of two bytes and can be chosen arbitrary, but first byte SHOULD have value more or equal 0x61.
usr_packet_t userInputPackets[] = { // {USR_IN_NONE, {0,0}}, // " " {USR_IN_PING, "pG"}, {USR_IN_UPDATE_CONFIG, "uC"}, {USR_IN_UPDATE_PARAM, "uP"}, {USR_IN_UPDATE_ALL, "uA"}, {USR_IN_SAVE_CONFIG, "sC"}, {USR_IN_RESTORE_DEFAULTS, "rD"}, {USR_IN_GET_CONFIG, "gC"}, {USR_IN_GET_PARAM, "gP"}, {USR_IN_GET_ALL, "gA"}, {USR_IN_GET_VERSION, "gV"}, // place new input packet code here, before USR_IN_MAX {USR_IN_MAX, {0xff, 0xff}}, // "" };3. Add code which handles input packet into the function HandleUserInputPacket in the file UserMessaging.c . As a part of packet handling fill up desired response payload (starting from address ptrUcbPacket->payload) and provide response payload length in the parameter ptrUcbPacket->payloadLength. If no response payload required – provide payload length of 0. The packet code in the response will be the same as in the command. If erroneous conditions discovered during packet processing – set valid variable to FALSE so system will respond with NAK packet. Additional diagnostics in arbitrary format can be provided in the response payload (see uP packet example above).
case USR_IN_UPDATE_PARAM: UpdateUserParam((userParamPayload*)ptrUcbPacket->payload, &ptrUcbPacket->payloadLength); break;
- Done
7.2 To create new output packet
- Add new output packet type into the enumerator structure UserOutPacketType in the file UserMessaging.h
// User input packet codes, change at will typedef enum { USR_OUT_NONE = 0, // 0 USR_OUT_TEST, // 1 USR_OUT_DATA1 , // 2 USR_OUT_DATA2 , // 2 // add new output packet type here, before USR_OUT_MAX USR_OUT_MAX }UserOutPacketType;2. Add new packet type and code into the structure UserOutputPackets in the file UserMessaging.c. Packet code can be chosen arbitrary, but first byte SHOULD have value more or equal 0x61 and the packet code should be unique among input and output packets.
// packet codes here should be unique - // should not overlap codes for input packets and system packets // First byte of Packet code should have value >= 0x61 usr_packet_t userOutputPackets[] = { // Packet Type Packet Code {USR_OUT_NONE, {0x00, 0x00}}, {USR_OUT_TEST, "zT"}, {USR_OUT_DATA1, "z1"}, {USR_OUT_DATA2, "z2"}, // place new type and code here {USR_OUT_MAX, {0xff, 0xff}}, // "" };3. Add code which handles input packet into the function HandleUserOutputPacket in the file UserMessaging.c. Fill up desired packet payload (starting from address payload) and provide response payload length in the parameter payloadLen. If no response payload required – provide payload length of 0.
case USR_OUT_DATA1: { int n = 0; double accels[3]; double mags[3]; double rates[3]; data1_payload_t *pld = (data1_payload_t *)payload; pld->timer = platformGetDacqTime(); GetAccelData_mPerSecSq(accels); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++, n++){ pld->sensorsData[n] = (float)accels[i]; } GetRateData_degPerSec(rates); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++, n++){ pld->sensorsData[n] = (float)rates[i]; } GetMagData_G(mags); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++, n++){ pld->sensorsData[n] = (float)mags[i]; } *payloadLen = sizeof(data1_payload_t); }4. To activate output of the packet use function SetUserPacketType in file UserMessaging.c and provide desired packet type as a parameter. Or provide output packet type and packet rate in default user configuration in file UserConfiguration.c. Output of specific packet can also be changed “on-the-fly” by sending to unit command “uP” with parameter number 3 and desired parameter value. Output packet rate can be changed “on-the-fly ” by sending to unit command “uP” with parameter number 4 and desired parameter value.
// Default user configuration structure // Saved into EEPROM of first startup after reloading the code // or as a result of processing "rD" command // Do Not remove - just add extra parameters if needed // Change default settings if desired const UserConfigurationStruct gDefaultUserConfig = { .dataCRC = 0, .dataSize = sizeof(UserConfigurationStruct), .userUartBaudRate = 115200, .userPacketType = "z1", .userPacketRate = 50, .lpfAccelFilterFreq = 50, .lpfRateFilterFreq = 50, .orientation = "+X+Y+Z" // add default parameter values here, if desired } ;
- Done